Thursday, November 17, 2011

Character #2 - Khedro of the Gravelbrewer Clan

Khedro of the Gravelbrewer clan
Race: DwarfSex: Female
Profession: MillerAlignment: Neutral Evil
Possessions: ScantAge appearance: Mature
General Appearance: ImmaculateSanity: Normal
Tendencies CarelessPersonality: Diplomatic
Disposition: CompassionateIntellect: Average
Nature: Soft-heartedMaterialism: Average
Honesty: TruthfulBravery Normal
Energy: NormalThrift Mean
Morals: NormalPiety: Reverent
Interests: Horticulture
Str: 7,Str: 8,Int: 8,Wis: 8,Dex: 6,Con: 12,Cha: 12

Khedro is a rarity, a female dwarf that is actually seen by humans as she works on the mill she built beside the river. The humans of the area have started bringing their grain to Khedro's mill because she is honest merchant, accurately weighing the flour milled on her stone, and often making errors in the farmer's favor. She also is much interested in how the farmers grow their crops, often providing her with materials for her to experiment with in growing stronger, larger yields. She keeps her milling area very clean and her scant possessions are well-cared for, and hung properly at the end of each work day. Khedro was tossed out of her clan forge due to a disagreement between herself and the dwarf she was betrothed to. He ended up getting wounded during an argument with Khedro and the marriage was called off, and Khedro ran away before she could be thrown out. She harbors some thoughts of revenge, but she has to build up her gold and work before doing so.
Some of the farmers kids believe she has made a couple of wanderers disappear, feeding them to something growing in the basement of the mill..........

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